Saturday 20 November 2010

So sick, but happy.

I know, I know!
It is been a while since i wrote, and now i am here to write about me being sick and sick. Not cool.
What can i say, it is been very hectic as you know and not enough time in day to do all i wanna do, including writing.
As much this is really pain to have a headache and a wheezing chest i am enjoying to have a little time in bed. I am also learning that being in bed doesn't have to be all bad, you can read( gossip mag), you can watch a quality TV( the Kardashians) and you can eat healthy food(chicken tikka masala), so as you see, i am in for a fun night with the SOUTH & NORTH(a bbc period dramma).

Friday 15 October 2010


Here i am ones more making my days even more interesting!
I weighted myself the other day and found out i am actually quite big(13stone).

Since, i am going to a wedding soon, as previously mentioned, i need to be in tiptop shape for this.

Some would say,you are what you are leave it there, be yourself,blah,blah,blah.

Well, I say, you must be a man,because if you are a woman you would know the importance of looking your absolute best in these sort of occasions.So, here begins the torture.

It already started sort of, the only thing is i can't handle the no coffee thing.I need my caffeine and getting quite irritated.

I really admire anyone who starts their day with out any sort of stimulant,how do you do it?

It is late in the night and i am getting tired, it is been a very busy and hungry day,so i bid you good night.

Wednesday 13 October 2010


You need to find what you passionate about,so you can write about a poem or a short story no longer than 2000 word and no less than 2000.

Gosh, that is what my tutor said,.I am passionate about a lot of things,Chicken tariyaki at Subway,horror movies,Manga books but none of them inspire me to write 2000 word of anything about them.Maybe i should write about that cute guy that works at Starbucks.

So,what am i passionate about that worth writing about,it is kinda hard to pinpoint a single thing out of a lot of unfulfilled passions.

Someone suggested i should take my self a date and find something about myself,.Huh, how can one do that,without looking like a total idiot.

I am not sure how i am to do this but need to,somehow i feel like,i don't know myself.

Passion, passion, passion, no matter how many times i repeat it, zilch nothing is coming to my mind.

Sunday 10 October 2010


I am going to a wedding soon and that is adding to the hectic schedule,I have to find something to wear and the only lady i would trust my hair with is all booked till next month.Aaaargh.

Somali wedding is a bit of a nightmare,it usually goes for a week and it involves different ceremonies.

The first one is when the guy's family will come and ask the girl's hand and that is just for the close family members.

Then there is the Nikaah and that is when they perform the religious ceremony and that means you are officially married in the eyes of Allah.

After that, there is the wedding party and that is when the bride goes with the groom.

Then there is the third day party, tree days after the wedding party, where the girlfriends and relatives bring the gifts to the bride and grooms house.

And the last party is when all the women friends and family of both sides(women only)come together to officially recognize the bride as a married women, basically it is the rite of passage for the girl,from single to married.

So,as you see i am gonna need 3 different gowns for this and not only gowns but hair do and shoes and .... basically the whole shebang.

Pray for my little soul and feet,yeah the feet. :)

Saturday 25 September 2010


It has been so busy lately,after Ramadan,i was expecting thing to take a steady pace but no such luck.
As my work is a freelancer,i was thinking there would be more free time than lancer bit.Wrong again.

I almost missing time for myself.Not that i am complaining or any thing. I actually like being busy,it keeps my mind healthy,..
I am one of those who, when they have free time become melancholic and end up in some sort of funny farm,so in reality being busy is my happy pill.(sad heh)..but started a creative writing course to help me learn HOW - TO- put my inner thoughts in to paper and that is sort of added to the time shortage that was already there.

It will be back to normality after i get use to this new schedule,i guess,in the mean time i am enjoying being all over the place.
The only down side is that i have no time for social networking,.

I am gonna let this post as it is and stop writnig as we speak and get on with the book that being suggested for us(creative class)to read.. Anyone read ANIMAL FARM by G.Orwell.?I guess,everyone in their GCSE's but since i am not from the UK and my GCSEI's were kind of different, i didn't and i am liking it.

So, from me it is good night and write to you Soon(i hope)...

Saturday 11 September 2010

Eid Mubarak.,Ciid wanaagsan,Selamat hari raya

Ramadan finished in style,with family and friends gathering at the 1Eid program in London.
It was amazing we had the morning Eid prayers under a huge marquee at the park.

Somali,Pakistani,Malay, Middle-eastern food were in offer to mention few and i tasted all.
I start tasting from the Pakistani table and went down to the last table,.I didn't realize i was eating at all,after all i was just tasting them.
I am telling myself that this is Eid and eating that much is part of the tradition,not sure about the tummy ache though.

visited family that usually don't see,unless something happens,friends that i don't see or talk to unless you count writing on their fb wall.
all in all beautiful day it was, masha'allah.

Sunday 5 September 2010

lost track of time

Being Ramadan means you take live at a slower pace but when you live in a non-Muslim country it means it is business as usual and whether you are tired, thirsty, hungry,sleepy or not you need to be as sharp as usual,that puts a lot of strain to the system,the mental system that is.

After some considerably persuasion from my part i am here writing again,the only thing is what to write about.

My mind is spinning about so many things that happen the last 2 weeks,should i write about work,family,friends or the annoying neighbor.

I choose neither of them because all i wanted to do is touch base with you guys and leave it there until EID.


Friday 13 August 2010


That was one of the notes attached to the worry wall in CM Hospital.
It is actually called ARTNOS interactive art.
Artnos was a personal sanctuary with space outside for public to write their worries and then enter spending a quiet moment in London and Birmingham Hospitals.
this was such a great idea.

Saturday 24 July 2010

£0.90 in my pocket.

As skin as they come for several days, i haven't been payed yet and really could use money.
For money addict like me it is a major problem to be out and about with less than a pound to my name.
when i wake up this morning i thought, maybe i should just stay home, there is no way i was going to go out fully knowing that i couldn't go to the coffee shop,but i convince my self that i should at least go for a walk.
So, i left about 10am for a walk with a bottle of water and a home made sandwich and ended up in Kensington area,one of the most expensive post codes of London, the down side of leaving in west London.
At first i was at awe with my surrounding,the puzzling coffees and chic paninotech's did little to reassure me that 0.90p will be fine.
Then i saw the Natural history museum and it was free,bingo,went in and spend about 45 min to see the main gallery.
still after a free session of knowledge i wasn't convinced that i could just be about without expenditure ,so i head home.
On my way at the Kensington high street i found a little store called GIVE A BOOK GET A BOOK.
So,i went in thinking of just smelling the books(i love the smell of books), and find out it wasn't a book store as we know it, but a charity bookshop where you just help yourself with any book you want for free,you heard it right FREEEE(you either give a small donation or nothing , guess what i give, yes my last 0.99p).and i got Little women to my modest collection.

That was most liberating thing ever, i will certainly not get intimidated by pennyless-ness from now on.

Thursday 22 July 2010


As the name of my blog suggests,i am a nomad,a bedouin ,though i was born in a city and never been anywhere other than a city,...
there are several reasons for me to feel bedouin:

1: the fact that i am a Somali and no matter where we are born the bedouin blood is in us.

2: I lived in 6 countries and been to another 7 countries and it means i never been in one place more than 5 years,except for Somalia which i left when i was a teenager.

3:i love poetry, i know there are city people who like/love poetry, if you were a nomad you would understand my statement, bedouins live for poetry.
they go to war over a poem, they marry a girl for the poets in her family and it serves as a honor coat.

4:I live for the day i will be able to buy camel milk from Tesco.
I recently hear rumors about a Dubai based company might stock camel milk for the Uk supermarkets and i went bananas over the news, you should see me ranting about it,.

that is the explanation for the blog name and why i eat with my hands at the local cafe.

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Just another day.

I started a new job and found the 3hrs a day a great deal,ok i am not making millions here,it is what it least it is better than being home doing jack, i have been jobless for 45 days and let me tell you it was a 45 days too many. how on earth do people manage to stay at home,i got irritated,sloppy and was going mental to say the least. thank god i found a job or i would be in the news for killing someone.
I become the new face of NHS,ehehehe, ok ok ok so i am just the interpreter,but todays interpreter could be tomorrows general director(do let me daydream).
so far it looks like i win the lottery with this you just translate what ever that is been said,. not a brain surgery.
i will update you in the coming days.

Monday 19 July 2010

how hard could it be huh:)


Ok, 3 days ago i sort of hurt my back by simply getting out of bed(don't even ask),what followed was a agonizing pain for the whole weekend and headache that seems not to stop.
I braved out of the house to the doctors this morning.
The lady doc said that i need to do some Yoga to help me be more flexible,cos i am stiff as a board, and in the mean while i needed some painkillers to get by, oooh what a painkiller though. they are fast working tablets. the only down side is,that i seem to go in/out of sleep without even noticing. one minute i was watching Cbeebies next i was snoring.
Good thing, i am not going to work today.

Sunday 18 July 2010


The day started with a headache, the fact i am out of painkillers doesn't help.
I had such plans for today:

1:clean the house
2:cook for the week
3:finish the book(started last year)

well, it is not meant to be. i guess i need to do a bit of sleeping and lounging around, being sunday there is virtually nothing good going on my beloved telly, so it is facebook and twitter i guess.

Saturday 17 July 2010

Unhealthy outlook for poor me

unhealthy obsession about TV and a procrastinating habit has prevented me from doing this.
my filthy language is not up for this either, can't write about anything without the F*word and being a good Muslim girl means i can't publish it.
So where does it leave me, should i just pay (the bet) or conform?HUH.


SO,it is been a while since i actually post something, does that mean they win. i don't think so, i didn't give up the idea merely dancing around it.
here i am now ,back to the living .