Nomad sitting next to his dead camel.
A farmer struggling to plow his ones fertile land.
Simply dead livestock.

This Drought started 2 years ago, the Nomads of Somalia had been living with this for the past two years. Yes, it just got worst but bottom of line it was there all alone.
The war in central and southern Somalia is making the drought even more deadlier. The people that are today in danger of dyeing due to starvation are actually the farmers of the nation, whether they are the crop grower of the south or the livestock farmers of the central.
So, what happens when a farmer can't feed his family?
The Simple answer to that is they(the farmers family) starve, but this is the bread-makers of the nation so the answer is the nation starves.
There is no turning to the land it is dry and dead, there is no turning to the nomads they lost most of their stock and are struggling to feed their family, there is no turning to the sea it is infested with pirates and war-ships.
So,where to turn?
It is a shame that we the diaspora have to live with and take responsibility, it is a shame that the Somali government have to live with and take responsibility for.
The cries of the Somali children in and out of Somalia are deafening to those who are listening for others it is just a minute of oooh that is so bad.
The sad thing is, this is the worst humanitarian crises but not the last,until we find some sort of stability we are doomed to be a tragedy to be reported and studied.

Help must come from us, the Somali people. yes, we need the help of everyone that can help us. However, as it is the tradition or use to be the tradition of our believe HELP YOURSELF , SO ALLAH MAY HELP YOU. We need to help our people and stand for those too weak to do so.
This is our wake up call, all hands on the deck.
Please help our brothers and sisters, so may Allah help you!!!
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