
Ramadan is here and i am already thinking of what I will like to have and what not. Honestly, people usually start shopping in advance and according to what they would eat and their preferences.
In my case, it is usually dream about what i would have and how i would have and who i would invite over for a Iftar and then remember that i haven't actually made any shopping(aaaahrgggggg) and hit the shop in a rash, ending up buying different ingredient to cook boring dishes(usually stock pile Samosas as they are easy to store).
My favorite dish for Ramadan is Shorba and I remember we use to have it every Iftar when i was in Somalia, now, I don't remember last time I had one, it is been years.
So, I am thinking that I should revive those childhood memories and this year do Shorba.
Shorba or Shurbad in Somali is a cracked wheat soup with either chicken or lamb depending on the region, Mogadishu recipe involves Camel meat, London is in shortage of Such delight(Ok, there are no camels in UK,Full stop.) So, it will be chicken Shorba.
Easy to make and Delicious, it is also healthier than Samosas. It is what everyone breaking a fast should have.
Hopefully this year(inshaalah) I will have a SHORBA.
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