Saturday, 15 October 2011
Monday, 29 August 2011
Eid Mubarak To You!!!
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
HOMESICK not anymore.
homesick is:
Acutely longing for one's family or home,depressed or melancholy at being away from home and family.
That is the translation in the free dictionary. but i know better, i know it is a acute sense of lost , a physical challenge to get up in the morning and the only thing that a doctor can't help you with, there is no diagnoses there is no knowing the symptoms, it varies from person to person.
Well, i was in that hole for a year, before I actually acknowledged what I was feeling or more like interpret what i was feeling. One day i wake up and said,"Enough is enough i am going home" well, something along those line..
I am so happy that i done that, i am so happy that i went home like that. Now, I am homesick but it is not a severe as it use to be.. I now know that i can pick my bag and go home so knowing that i have that choice made all the difference in the world...
Hope to go home and spend my old age in peace, peace of mind that is...
Friday, 5 August 2011
Stumble upon life.

You have to have tactics in life, whether it is to plan out, placate or just to navigate through the small hurdles of life. But, what about if tactics aren't your forte? If that is the case than you just stumble around life. it is understandable to want tactics and pre-planning all aspect of life if you are a control freak or you have some sort of compulsive disorder that makes you be organized.
I find that stumbling around life is not such a bad idea, yes you can organize your daily life but I find lifes little imperfections quite attractive, mind you, I also like someone with a plan as long as that plan is flexible. however ones your plan become inflexible and take a life of their own, now that is when I find it hard to follow and disinterest.
Don't get me wrong, I am quite an organized person to some extent, and would never just expect things to fall in to place by their own accord. It is just the pre meditated life that I can't stand. where is the fun in that. if i knew every little thing down to the last detail i would just be so bored. Let me explain where this is coming from.
I had an interview and been asked where would I be in 5 years,(not where would I like to be in 5years). how on earth would I know where I would be in 5 years.
So I asked if they mean, where would i like to be? No. they say, where are you going to be in 5 years? Right! If I knew where i would be in 5 years (meaning i can predict life) surely i wouldn't be here to start with.
Surely I would be smart enough to predict the winning jackpot lottery ticket and have the foresight of winning it. or just be a nerd and predict some sort of nerdy thing that makes me heap loads of cash and make sure i don't sit an interview room with YOU.
Obviously, i didn't say that neither did i use that tone of voice, so, I just said i am hoping to grow career wise with the company and have a mortgage and all that responsible things that responsible middle age people have. Not sure if I nailed that interview but wait and see.
This whole start a new lease of life is sort of getting to me, as Ramadan is hard on it is own, i feel like i am adding to the pressure. Who knows may be i will stumble in to my perfect life, Aaah Right!!!.
Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Maybe it is the tides that are coming and going my way with a hint of change and the scent of new life, maybe it is the Ramadan mood(detox does give you hallucination), or maybe and just maybe it is because I need a change of life. I already stopped the conception of sugar as i say i would and now the rest have to follow.
Sunday, 31 July 2011
I declare to be a Sugar free, Fat free, Hypocrisy free and above all free of materialistic ideology.
Right, where to start?!!!!
I guess, first port of call would be the goody cupboard that stores all the cupcakes and the rest of my quick fixes.
This change, i am hoping, will be reinforced by tomorrows Ramadan start, but I am hoping that it will go beyond Ramadan and become a life style change. Sugar, is playing havoc with my system and it needs to go.
Saturday, 30 July 2011
You can never be too ready for Ramadan. You do all your shopping and get ready with the list of who to invite for Iftar, get all the spring cleaning done(spring cleaning for Muslims is days before Ramadan and Before any other Eid) and change the curtains.
However, when you think you have done all you could you found out that there is more and more and more to do. Aaarrrrrrggggg. Well, getting the worst Flu of all time doesn't help.
Though, this is tiresome, I am immensely enjoying it. you get ready for this and even if things don't go as they should, it is still the best time ever, Ramadan makes you better human.
Cooking old recipes that has been past down by your mother and her mother and so on so forth, and also finding new exciting way of cooking Ingredients that are familiar in to a new recipes.
This is the Month we all hope to be a better Muslims but also hope that, in the way, we lose some weight, shamefully thought you are more likely to gain weight in Ramadan than lose it. It is all about the fry ups and the sugar rush we give our self in attempt to get energy.
well, no fry ups for me this Ramadan, and no sugar rush. we are also as a family cutting the portions, this is not only for a dietary reason but we figure out that if we spend less on food it will be more on charity(watch us fight over the leftovers hehehehe).
what sets this Ramadan apart from the previous ones is that in this Ramadan if you are a Somali you have the added responsibility to help your people that are in Somalia and part of East Africa which is officially declared the worst humanitarian crises in the world.
Helping others(this time your people) is a rewarding experience and will take Ramadan to a whole new dimension, if you haven't planned to do so, please do it now, for Ramadan is the best month for Sadaqa(charity).
Here is a refreshing drink that may help you with much needed fluid.
Monday, 18 July 2011

Nomad sitting next to his dead camel.
A farmer struggling to plow his ones fertile land.
Simply dead livestock.

This Drought started 2 years ago, the Nomads of Somalia had been living with this for the past two years. Yes, it just got worst but bottom of line it was there all alone.
The war in central and southern Somalia is making the drought even more deadlier. The people that are today in danger of dyeing due to starvation are actually the farmers of the nation, whether they are the crop grower of the south or the livestock farmers of the central.
So, what happens when a farmer can't feed his family?
The Simple answer to that is they(the farmers family) starve, but this is the bread-makers of the nation so the answer is the nation starves.
There is no turning to the land it is dry and dead, there is no turning to the nomads they lost most of their stock and are struggling to feed their family, there is no turning to the sea it is infested with pirates and war-ships.
So,where to turn?
It is a shame that we the diaspora have to live with and take responsibility, it is a shame that the Somali government have to live with and take responsibility for.
The cries of the Somali children in and out of Somalia are deafening to those who are listening for others it is just a minute of oooh that is so bad.
The sad thing is, this is the worst humanitarian crises but not the last,until we find some sort of stability we are doomed to be a tragedy to be reported and studied.

Help must come from us, the Somali people. yes, we need the help of everyone that can help us. However, as it is the tradition or use to be the tradition of our believe HELP YOURSELF , SO ALLAH MAY HELP YOU. We need to help our people and stand for those too weak to do so.
This is our wake up call, all hands on the deck.
Please help our brothers and sisters, so may Allah help you!!!
Stories of new arrivals Dadaab with English subtitle
this is so shameful. it is a shame to me, to my fellow country men that can afford to feed one person and to the Government of Somalia...


Ramadan is here and i am already thinking of what I will like to have and what not. Honestly, people usually start shopping in advance and according to what they would eat and their preferences.
In my case, it is usually dream about what i would have and how i would have and who i would invite over for a Iftar and then remember that i haven't actually made any shopping(aaaahrgggggg) and hit the shop in a rash, ending up buying different ingredient to cook boring dishes(usually stock pile Samosas as they are easy to store).
My favorite dish for Ramadan is Shorba and I remember we use to have it every Iftar when i was in Somalia, now, I don't remember last time I had one, it is been years.
So, I am thinking that I should revive those childhood memories and this year do Shorba.
Shorba or Shurbad in Somali is a cracked wheat soup with either chicken or lamb depending on the region, Mogadishu recipe involves Camel meat, London is in shortage of Such delight(Ok, there are no camels in UK,Full stop.) So, it will be chicken Shorba.
Easy to make and Delicious, it is also healthier than Samosas. It is what everyone breaking a fast should have.
Hopefully this year(inshaalah) I will have a SHORBA.
Saturday, 16 July 2011

This Blog is becoming so erratic going from travel to drought to fashion-ish.
Now! i am on my next on the wish list to do daa dada daa DIET.
I decided to go on a diet and went on a shopping spree to get ready for the diet. Well, sadly or happily I should say I found out that this is ill timed diet plan.
The thing is I can't do it at least not now, Ramadan is to start in 2 weeks. I keep doing plans that I can't go through with this month. Ramadan is hard as it is it doesn't need diet in the mix. Focus girl!!
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Drought in East Africa.

prolonged drought, civil war and a mismanaged and corrupt government in Somalia are having a disastrous consequences for the civilians that are caught in midst of it.
For those of you that doesn't know much about Somalia let me give you a brief introduction.
It is A peninsula that is on the tip of the horn of Africa, it has the longest coastal line in Africa. The country has two rivers that are located in the south at the heart of the Agriculture belt. with tropical climate Somalia has several harvest per year.
however, Militant(al-shabaab) that are trying to over trough the government are controlling that area so farmers flee their homes with nothing and now are starving.
It is sad that we(the people of Somalia) are subjected to this kind of life in our own country while god gave us the best land man could ever want. very sad indeed.
Saturday, 9 July 2011

I am so unproductive these days that there is a hole forming in my favorite lazy chair. Since, i come back i had less work and basically no classes. but to make my stay home time bearable i tent to watch X amount of TV(x= INFINITY).
Don't get me wrong, i do have a job, it just isn't that much. So i end up having 8hrs of nothing to do a day. I am planing to do something about this before Ramadan(1.08.2011). If, I do make the change that will have a positive impact on the Ramadan Month, it will mean getting up early and pray on time the Fajr prayer. It also will mean being more social and visit family and friend.
To be more productive in Ramadan and doing something in Ramadan does not mean to get myself more work but simple watch less TV and pray more.
I know more about TV personality than my own Friends, that can't be good. So the challenge of more prayers time and less rubbish TV is on and make time for Family and friends.
Thursday, 30 June 2011

It has been 51 years since we got our independence from British/Italian and it has been a roller coaster time. we had a 31 years of peace and progression and 20years of anarchy lawless, death and destruction, now it is time to move on and catch up with the rest of the world. may Allah bring peace to my beloved motherland.
Now what!
After, i have spent 6weeks on the road in Central Somali, an area that is about 500km square and I helped distributing food and water to the people that has been effected by the Longest drought in east Africa. I feel quite unhappy to just sit in London and not be able to do anything about the situation in my country. I am straggling to come up an idea that allows me to be there at the same time earn living(well, i do have to eat). I am open to suggestions. If you are reading this and have an idea of how i can make living and at the same time, be in the middle of nowhere. please let me know, cos i am running out of ideas.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Sunny and Cold.
Today is undeniably British down to the weather.
It is Cold, Sunny, Rainy and almost Autumn, Spring, Summer all wrapped in one.
Am cocooned up on my bed and trying to hide from the weather, although i need to wake up and join the work force. Times like these are when i am ever so happy to being freelancer and not a contract person that have to be at her desk by 9 O'clock sharp.
Well, wish you all a happy Summer-ish and a better weather than this.
It is Cold, Sunny, Rainy and almost Autumn, Spring, Summer all wrapped in one.
Am cocooned up on my bed and trying to hide from the weather, although i need to wake up and join the work force. Times like these are when i am ever so happy to being freelancer and not a contract person that have to be at her desk by 9 O'clock sharp.
Well, wish you all a happy Summer-ish and a better weather than this.
Saturday, 16 April 2011
I am one of those Tomboys that you see in the streets of London, looking very comfortable and having a good time. But that is it, COMFORT is the key to anything that i wear or wanna wear. I plan my war-drop around comfortability. If,i am to buy shoes, i will admires the Cristian Louboutin(love them) but will never buy them and that is not only down to the pot-noodle budget but the fact that i will never wear them as they will be uncomfortable. If i could i would go to weddings on my sneaker.
However, last week i gave myself a mini heart attack as i bought wedges for this summer. I know that wedges don't qualify as high-heels but they are as close i will ever get to high heels, besides they will add much needed hight and sophistication in to my ever so dull style. the summer game is on. LETS SEE HOW I FARE THIS SUMMER OR I WILL ASK MY MONEY BACK.
However, last week i gave myself a mini heart attack as i bought wedges for this summer. I know that wedges don't qualify as high-heels but they are as close i will ever get to high heels, besides they will add much needed hight and sophistication in to my ever so dull style. the summer game is on. LETS SEE HOW I FARE THIS SUMMER OR I WILL ASK MY MONEY BACK.
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Back in London.
Monday, 31 January 2011
Greetings from Galkacyo.
Hello everyone.
I have been away for a while from blogspot. It is really not easy to send blog from Galkacyo as the electricity is on one min and of the next. Galkacyo is a make shift city in central Somalia. It looks and feels like no body owns it. Everyone is from somewhere else, I just wonder who's city it is, and why no one is taking ownership of it? At least it is peacefull not like Mogadishu.
Well, let me start from the top. This is the place where my father was born and his father was born as Nomads. I thought, i should visit my dad's birth place and put face to the name. It is so different from what my dad told me about it. I grew up with stories of Tall grass to hide,Camels. So far i saw none of that. there is no sand as all is stone,so there goes the grass. there is no Camels as all is a build houses.Life is worst than anywhere i ever been. May god help my people.
I don't have much time to go in details at the moment as the electricity will go any minute. Please forgive any spellig mistake and will write soon.
Peace or as Galkacyo may say Salaama.
I have been away for a while from blogspot. It is really not easy to send blog from Galkacyo as the electricity is on one min and of the next. Galkacyo is a make shift city in central Somalia. It looks and feels like no body owns it. Everyone is from somewhere else, I just wonder who's city it is, and why no one is taking ownership of it? At least it is peacefull not like Mogadishu.
Well, let me start from the top. This is the place where my father was born and his father was born as Nomads. I thought, i should visit my dad's birth place and put face to the name. It is so different from what my dad told me about it. I grew up with stories of Tall grass to hide,Camels. So far i saw none of that. there is no sand as all is stone,so there goes the grass. there is no Camels as all is a build houses.Life is worst than anywhere i ever been. May god help my people.
I don't have much time to go in details at the moment as the electricity will go any minute. Please forgive any spellig mistake and will write soon.
Peace or as Galkacyo may say Salaama.
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Happy New Year...
A very happy new year to all.
I am hoping this will be the year of peace in the world, i know, that makes me sound like "Miss World," but i really hope that happens. One more time HAPPY NEW YEAR.
I am hoping this will be the year of peace in the world, i know, that makes me sound like "Miss World," but i really hope that happens. One more time HAPPY NEW YEAR.
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