I am going to a wedding soon and that is adding to the hectic schedule,I have to find something to wear and the only lady i would trust my hair with is all booked till next month.Aaaargh.
Somali wedding is a bit of a nightmare,it usually goes for a week and it involves different ceremonies.
The first one is when the guy's family will come and ask the girl's hand and that is just for the close family members.
Then there is the Nikaah and that is when they perform the religious ceremony and that means you are officially married in the eyes of Allah.
After that, there is the wedding party and that is when the bride goes with the groom.
Then there is the third day party, tree days after the wedding party, where the girlfriends and relatives bring the gifts to the bride and grooms house.
And the last party is when all the women friends and family of both sides(women only)come together to officially recognize the bride as a married women, basically it is the rite of passage for the girl,from single to married.
So,as you see i am gonna need 3 different gowns for this and not only gowns but hair do and shoes and .... basically the whole shebang.
Pray for my little soul and feet,yeah the feet. :)
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