Here i am ones more making my days even more interesting!
I weighted myself the other day and found out i am actually quite big(13stone).
Since, i am going to a wedding soon, as previously mentioned, i need to be in tiptop shape for this.
Some would say,you are what you are leave it there, be yourself,blah,blah,blah.
Well, I say, you must be a man,because if you are a woman you would know the importance of looking your absolute best in these sort of occasions.So, here begins the torture.
It already started sort of, the only thing is i can't handle the no coffee thing.I need my caffeine and getting quite irritated.
I really admire anyone who starts their day with out any sort of stimulant,how do you do it?
It is late in the night and i am getting tired, it is been a very busy and hungry day,so i bid you good night.
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