Long time no hear or write. Lately, I get so tired to even write. At first, i attributed that to my busy schedule's. However , I find out that I am low on vitamin D, which is causing me Chronicle fatigue. Who knew that you need lots of sun to generate vitamin D and without it your bones would break and being in England means no sun at all at times.
So , you need a Vit-D supplements, specially if you have a dark skin like me, OK, I guess everyone who did biology 101 in school knew that. Anyway, after a 2 emergency Vit-D shots and high dose tablets, here I am able to type. So, WHAT DID I MISS?!!
This is a new year and I figure it should be new me. I never was one for new year resolutions, knowing that i would never follow. Usually, I would just carry my baggage from year to year with no regards to change or innovation.
No year has been different to another for the past 5 years and if not for the fact that i have to follow the calendar for work purpose, I would be still in year 2007 and would still be quite content and happy that, there would be no holiday or a Spa weekend in 2012, well, there was that 5 week Holiday-ish in 2010, it was more like a family visit, i enjoyed, OK, admittedly there was a Holiday of a kind in the last five years.
Enough is enough!!! This have to stop, for the first time in my life I am making a new year resolution for 2012:
1: In roll in to that sewing course i was pinning for.
2: Book my summer holiday this month so there is no backing out.
3: Lose few pounds (OK, a lot, lets not talk about it).
4: Save, save, save some money for rainy days.
5: write more on my blog.
6: indulge my self.
I am going to be so selfish this year and I will be in the centre of my life.
ME, ME,ME......
There it is, wish me LUCK.
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