Tuesday, 31 December 2013

                                          Happy new year

happy new year to all. Last year 2013 was quite eventful and busy work wise and private life front was a bit too quite. Hope this year to be a good year for all of us but especially for me.
I am not asking fire work as i am not the fire work and drumms kind of girl but hoping for it to be fruitful in family life and to be able to do the things that i like the most with out worrying.
Enjoy life and stay health.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Can't Blog.

This is really the most crazy time of my life. I would like to blog but can't blog as all i have seen,talked and dreamed about is things or thing in this case i can not blog about.

So, Cheers to silence.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013


Recently i stated doing insanity and let me tell you it is INSANE. I sweat and cry and past out on the floor( in my own pool of sweat) at the same time it is fun,fun,fun.

Honestly, who knew that I would be one of those fitness crazy people. I am loving it, So far lost 20lp and it is my first month.

 I have to say that it is not easy, as I work night shift and this programme does requare a bit of planning. you have to plan your meals as you will be eating 5 times a day or in my case a night and there is 45 min intense workout which I heard in month two will be 60min and even harder.

Next week will be my recovery week before i start month two.

I will update you next week if i am still standing.


Saturday, 3 August 2013

Contemplating Insanity Workout.

I honestly am fed up with it all, Here is Ramadan and i am fasting and all, but instead of losing weight, I am gaining weight. What the heck, who gains weight in a fasting period, seriously!
I must been pigging out because i have gain about 10lb in a matter of what 22 days. I never been so angry in my life.

There is nothing i can do about it in the middle of Ramadan but came EID and i am definitely going on a workout journey, INSANITY to be precise. Never done it before but I  think it would be what i need to kick some arse ( If all the raving online reviews are anything to go by).

I will repost when i start the workout to let you know, how i am getting on.

Has any of you done Insanity, if so, what was it like and did you actually tone up, lose weight or is it all a big Lie?

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Lets face it money matters, whether we like it or not, specially in Ramadan.
This is the month we suppose to be denouncing worldly possessions and all. Ascetism my food, money does matter.For me ,it is turning to be the most worldly and most expensive month of all year. So far, I have spent more than ussual on food (fasting month) and we barely started, we have a long way to go and the eid expenditure is waiting, you know, the new Abaya, Jelaba, Maxi dress or toiler made long dress which ever you go for  will be as expensive as ever.

This is not limited to me, it is the same throughout the whole Muslim world. I am not sure if it is the exquisite Samosas and dates that we seem to be eating this month, but Ramadan is turning in to feast and extravaganza bonanza to all of us. We are trying to pray more and donate more and be nicer and be hollier than ussual and we are to some extent but we are turned to be more materialistic than ussual.  this is having a bad effect on our bank accounts,. I am sure that my bank manager (not sure if I have one) is as i wrote this having a mini financial crises and it is the same to all bank managers that deal with muslim account holders.

I did not even notice what was happening untill my bank send me an e-mail offering me a financial support as i seem to be mismanaging my account ( obviously they used a different word rather than mismanage, but it had the same meaning) and they,the bank, could help me manage my money easily, not that i have a lot to manage but it seems that every litle helps in the bankers world.

after this litle rant, wish one had some tips to part with but one has none. so, if you have any tips of :

HOW NOT TO GO BROKE IN RAMADAN. please let me know.


Tuesday, 9 July 2013

                           RAMADAN KAREEM TO ALL MUSLIMS IN THE WORLD! 

Friday, 14 June 2013

Good and bad Changes.

Hello me back After a long time, about a year since I blogged. A lot happen since then. I got Married and started a new job (not a new job but a new shift ,the graveyard shift).

The good change in my life is the fact that i met and married my husband, a great guy that i met in Dubai while in vacation, in my opinion The best vacation ever.

The bad change in my life, I am now working night shifts (known a the graveyard shift,for obvious reasons) and we still live a part , he is in Dubai and i am in London.

How do the good influence the bad: well, regardless of how tired and sleepy I'm , I am always upbeat about everything,as I am happy and in love as someone can be.

Now how does the bad effect the good, as much as i would like to play the newlywed,love struck woman, I am constantly missing him and keep missing his calls (really mean missing calls) when he calls, I am either sleeping or working.

I am not going to keep you read my laments, so,  folks wish me luck. This blog is gonna get lively I recon, since I am using it as an outlet to my frustration. Lol.